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Equity Actions
The Need for Action on Equity

The US-101 corridor is a neighbor to diverse communities burdened with an ever-increasing cost of living and increased traffic congestion, while also facing the continued need to access jobs and services along the corridor and beyond. People encounter a wide variety of barriers when seeking to access transportation services or programs. The PMT adopted Federal Highway Administration’s STEPS equity framework in developing specific equity-oriented actions. These actions should be taken alongside the mobility actions to achieve the MAP’s overall goal of serving the region equitably. A full accounting of these actions is provided here.

Taking Action on Equity

Planning projects have the opportunity to shape both process and outcome equity. Process equity includes efforts to ensure the development of a project or program is equitable and inclusive with representation from all groups at the table. Outcome equity focuses on the impacts of a program on defined performance metrics. With respect to process equity, partners implementing 101-MAP actions should create opportunities to:

Partner. Build relationships with community leaders and organizations who are trusted by the community; incorporate and compensate them for their ideas and participation in programs from beginning of design and development. 

Listen. Conduct user-centered research (e.g., survey in the community, conduct focus groups or test applications) about appropriate and accessible terminology, length, level of detail in applications, forms, or program information. 

Fund. Provide funding for community-based organizations to design and execute community engagement and membership drive programs in their own communities 

Reinvest. Explore ways to create local community-based workforce development opportunities through new programs or projects. 

Integrate. Build transportation benefit programs into workforce programs, job trainings, or other social services through “wrap around services”; reduce the number of outside referral programs and steps required.  

Technology can streamline processes that were once cumbersome, making them more efficient to implement and monitor. At the same time, technology can divide and widen the gap of opportunity and access, if not utilized carefully. The following are some foundational equity guidelines for all programs utilizing technology and the internet, many recommended by Code for America.

  • Offer a path to participation that does not require use of the internet, or a computer, mouse, keypad, or smartphone.

  • Ensure apps and webpages are ADA accessible and have a range of accessible communication functions, including native apps known to users, short message services (SMS)/text message, voice-activated functionality, and audio dial-in for landline users.

  • Ensure all pages are available in many language by investing in direct, professional translation services instead of relying on Google translate, which can be unreliable for accurate translations.

  • Ensure that enforcement is not implemented without appropriate bias training and, if done through automation, or with automation support, anti-bias algorithms.

Mobility an Equity Actions
Mobility and Equity Actions

The following table lists all mobility actions identified through Phase 1 of the 101-MAP effort, alongside each of the methods that the Project Management Team will leverage to advance equity through implementation within communities in the project area. The list of actions and guidance for implementation holistically advance the STEPS equity areas. Some Mobility Actions do not yet have Equity Actions identified to support equitable implementation; these are marked with “--”. This matrix is intended to be a working document and new Equity Actions should be incorporated with further input from community partners and other stakeholders.

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