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Mobility Actions
What is an Action Plan?

An Action Plan is an implementation roadmap for a set of potential near-term programs and policies. The US-101 Mobility Action Plan (MAP) identified a list of community-informed actions oriented around solving mobility and equity challenges in the corridor. This page describes the mobility actions identified in the process. The equity actions page demonstrates the result of a process to identify equity actions that support equitable implementation of mobility actions along the corridor.

What types of actions are being considered?

To increase the effectiveness of planned infrastructure investments, the US-101 MAP is considering programs and policies that create opportunities to move more people in the constrained US-101 corridor. These opportunities include new investments and incentives associated with riding transit, carpooling and vanpooling, biking, and walking. By reducing spatial, temporal, economic, physiological, or social barriers, to riding transit, sharing a ride, biking, or walking, these programs will help the 101-MAP to deliver on its goals of offering more reliable travel times, prioritizing high-capacity mobility options, and fostering healthy and sustainable communities.


The actions being considered in the 101-MAP could be implemented and managed by employers, city departments, transit or transportation agencies, transportation management associations (TMAs), or other community partners. 



Here’s the full list of mobility actions being considered to address the MAP’s three goals. You can download an interactive list of these actions sortable by their evaluation scores here.































Normalize Travel Times

Conduct education campaign about safer, more efficient driving habits.

Expand freeway operational strategies to support freeway efficiency, including incident management, ramp metering, real time traveler information, and clearing of vehicle breakdowns, conflicts, etc.

Incentivize safer driving behavior through benefits or rebates to drivers who demonstrate responsible driving.

Support policies or demonstration projects related to bus priority on freeway (e.g., bus-on-shoulder or HOV-priority on-ramps) or on parallel corridors such as El Camino Real or I-280 North.

Support ongoing planning projects to create a continuous managed lane (HOV/express) on US-101 from South San Jose to downtown San Francisco.

Improve enforcement of managed lanes, including carpool & express lanes, through available automated technologies.


Improve Information

Work with Google Maps or other traffic apps to delineate travel time differences between general purpose lanes and managed lanes.

Improve reliability of real-time transit arrival information for transit routes operating on US-101 or on key transit corridors parallel such as El Camino Real.

Work with private sector app providers to incorporate more real-time information on collisions, construction, etc.

Integrate multimodal information whenever possible on freeway travel time signs, including transit and, if possible, parking availability at transit stations.


Offer reliable
travel times


Prioritize High-Capacity Mobility Options, such as Buses and Carpools


Foster Healthy and Sustainable Communities

Increase average vehicle occupancy of US-101

Improve transit speeds and transit priority on US-101, El Camino Real, and other parallel roadways to provide more long-distance service and shift short trips off the freeway.

Encourage employers to introduce parking fees and for those who don’t park, a cash-out program that puts money into employees’ paycheck and/or extra vacation time program.

For employers and public transit agencies who operate and charge for parking, shift monthly permits/fees to daily rates.


Incentivize Transit

Create options for bulk transit pass program eligibility (e.g Caltrain GoPass) to include contractors, consultants, interns and temporary employees that work more than 20 hours a week.

Expand eligibility for bulk transit pass programs to include TMAs, neighborhood associations, colleges.

Implement a “transportation credit” program that serves as a transit pass accumulator (automatically providing a monthly pass when the value of a pass has been spent on individual rides) and creates an integrated payment system to enable travelers to accumulate credits for sustainable travel and use credits for payment across the entire transportation system.

Introduce means-based fare structures on all transit providers throughout study area, through regional programs such as MTC’s Clipper Start Means Based Fare pilot.

Offer free or reduced-price transportation for youth, seniors, and people with disabilities, or other promotional or marketing initiatives, where not offered now.

Improve transfers/synchronization of multiple transit providers and to park-and-ride lots in MAP study area.

Conduct comprehensive study of the public and private shuttle system to identify opportunities for coordination.

Open private employer shuttles to all on-site employees regardless of classification.

Explore opportunities for coordination/partnership on long-haul commute routes between employers, such as sharing/selling excess capacity on bus trips.

Create perks for transit users at high traffic locations or special events, such as “cut the line” (TSA at SFO/SJC, security or concessions at Giants, Warriors, Sharks).

Create one fare product for trips to high traffic locations (Caltrain + VTA pass for 49ers game, Caltrain + BART pass to SFO).

Ensure employees of all classifications have access to non-surcharge BART fare at SFO.

Provide hotel/venue customers with transit vouchers (e.g., $20 Clipper card that must be returned) and free BART passes for return to airport by bundling fares with room bookings/event tickets.

Offer family / group discounted fares on weekends on transit.

Expand first mile/last mile transportation options such as bike/scooter/ car share at key transit hubs on the Peninsula / in the South Bay.


Incentivize carpool/vanpool

Incentivize the use of pay-as-you-go insurance plans for drivers.

Subsidize ride-matching through real-time matching apps (Scoop or another similar platform).

Expand, improve, and promote the regional vanpool subsidy program with ridership tracking and improve vanpool ride-matching.

Create regional, sub-regional, or local carpool matching program for school-age children.

Encourage employers to provide incentives for regular carpoolers.

Support regional policies to phase out free use of HOV/express lanes if solo driver in a hybrid or clean air vehicle, or charge a reduced toll.


Strengthen existing TDM programs

Decrease parking minimums/adopt parking maximums/allow for shared parking at multi-use development as part of city development requirements.

Create regionally-consistent TDM developer requirements and incentives for specific land use types.

Develop regional branding/marketing program for TMA/TDM programs.

Develop a platform for developments to share current mode split, informing neighboring developments, encouraging trip reduction and a friendly competition.

Strengthen Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) and MTC employer TDM expectations for large employers (50+) by, for example: 

Enforcing the requirements and penalize employers not in compliance

Expanding the potential mitigation options beyond pre-tax commuter costs to encourage larger companies to provide public transit passes or carpool subsidies and/or use of alternative modes by employees one day per week

Incentivizing employers to charge for parking, or to shift from monthly to daily parking fees

Encouraging employers to formalize a policy for employees to work from home or use alternate work schedules

Support small companies in funding and offering virtual meeting services software to facilitate remote work.

Support the development of new and expanded TMAs across study area in high employment areas such as Oyster Point (SSF), Foster City, Redwood Shores (Redwood City), East Palo Alto, Mountain View, Sunnyvale.




























































































Reduce traffic burden on local streets and in neighborhoods

Enact trip caps or congestion pricing for major employment centers.

Assess needs for traffic calming measures in neighborhoods/downtowns with high volume of cut-through traffic.

Introduce or increase parking pricing in downtowns, major employment sites, or high traffic areas with transit access and other transportation options.


Prioritize transit-oriented development of both residential and office development in study area.

Prioritize transit-oriented development of both residential and office development in the study area.

Support completion of the multi-use Bay Trail route and connections to the facility that runs parallel to US-101.

Conduct pedestrian/bicycle crossing needs assessment along entire US-101 corridor, prioritizing Vision Zero / high-injury network hotspots.

Keep bicycle lanes clear of obstacles, including Uber/Lyft drop-offs, construction, and street-sweeping.

Strengthen local TDM requirements to encourage/require bike programs and amenities in new and existing developments.

Bring bike share systems to the Peninsula and other locations in the study area.

Strengthen/fund Safe Routes to School and other active mobility programs/policies in and between neighboring communities along the corridor.

Adopt Local Road Safety Plans in consultation with community groups, utilizing Vision Zero principles, goals, and design guidance.


Address environmental, air quality, and health outcomes  

Transition public and private bus and shuttle fleets to zero emission vehicles.

Develop policies to reduce vehicle idling in areas near schools, youth activity areas, affordable housing, and other areas with high asthma or greenhouse gas emissions rates.

Explore opportunities to provide high quality air filtration systems to residents and/or schools located in close proximity of US-101.

Allocate investments and funding to communities with higher asthma and greenhouse gas emission rates for programs like San Mateo County Parks Rx, urban tree canopy, and tree-planting programs.

Support overall greening efforts related to infrastructure and construction materials and designs, such as the C/CAG Green Streets Pilot Program. Adopt plans and policies for green infrastructure planning at the city or county levels.

Develop an incentive/rebate program for residents along the corridor to purchase E-bikes.










































Will these actions make a difference?
See some examples in action.

Case studies demonstrate what happens when actions are put into practice, providing context for applying the same or similar ideas to US-101.

transit information
Create perks for transit use at event venues
Offer free toll credits or
transit passes
Create regional carpool matching for school trips
Strengthen Safe Routes to School programs
Develop regional marketing programs
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