Developing the Actions
Input from the public, community leaders, government stakeholders and employers, combined with research about established best practices and innovative new approaches, informed the action development process.
The mobility action process was supported by multiple stakeholders at each step. The PMT guided the direction and reviewed technical progress throughout the action development process, and the TAC and SAG shared input at key transition points. Many action ideas came from the more than 2,000 responses collected through our community survey.
The PMT is comprised of representatives from each of three counties, and
multi-jurisdictional agencies/organizations
Hover over the box to view the list
The SAG is comprised of representatives from employer and institutional
stakeholders, including major employers, employer groups, community benefit
groups, and other private sector stakeholders within the study area
Hover over the box to view the list
The TAC is comprised of representatives from local jurisdictions within the study area
Hover over the box to view the list
Linking Actions to the MAP Vision
The Project Management Team defined a series of specific and measurable performance metrics associated with each MAP goal. These metrics enable an assessment of each mobility action idea with regard to its directness of connection to each of the project’s goals.
Goal 1: Reliability
Consistency of average travel time at AM peak
Percentage of time existing HOV lanes operate above 45 mph
On-time performance of transit using the corridor
Customer-perceived reliability of US-101
Goal 2: High Capacity Options
Person throughput (general purpose lanes)
Person throughput (Express Lanes)
Average vehicle occupancy
Transit ridership on parallel north-south corridors
Goal 3: Healthy and Sustainable Communities
Collisions, including bike and ped, at highway access points
Bike mode share
Walk mode share
Rate of asthma attacks
Traffic density
The PMT also held conversations with community leaders discussing the goals of the MAP and gathering information about specific mobility barriers faced by communities of concern. Using the STEPS equity framework, which categorizes five types of barriers (Spatial, Temporal, Economic, Physiological, Social) faced by users of the transportation network, a detailed list of equity actions was developed. These actions modify or append the list of mobility actions such that investment in mobility actions will inherently serve the community’s most vulnerable populations.
Getting Ready for Action
To prepare 101-MAP partners for action and inform priorities, the PMT assessed four key elements of each action. The scoring methodology for each is described in detail in Briefing Book Appendix F.
Its readiness for implementation
Its costliness with respect to operational funding
Its potential lead implementers
Its potential to generate new revenue
The US-101 Mobility Action Plan (MAP) brought together dozens of regional and local decision-makers and engaged over 2,000 members of the public to identify more than 60 potential near-term actions. These actions aim to improve travel time reliability, increase high-capacity mobility options, and improve the health and sustainability of communities along and adjacent to the US-101 corridor through San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties. The benefits of each individual action can be amplified when complementary strategies are implemented together. The results of the whole evaluation process are documented in a sortable scorecard, illustrated below and available for download from this website.