Action-Oriented Strategies
What is an Action Plan?
An Action Plan is an implementation roadmap for a set of near-term programs and policies. When complete, the 101-MAP will identify implementation partners, funding, and phasing, and will set up an ongoing process and management structure for ensuring action into the future.
What types of actions are being considered?
To increase the effectiveness of planned infrastructure changes, the US-101 MAP is considering programs and policies that create opportunities to move more people in the constrained US-101 corridor. These opportunities include new investments in and incentives associated with riding transit, carpooling and vanpooling, biking, and walking. By making it easier and more appealing to ride transit, share a ride, bike, or walk, these programs will help the 101-MAP to deliver on its promise to offer more reliable travel times, high-capacity mobility options, and healthy and sustainable communities.
The actions being considered in the 101-MAP could be managed and implemented by employers, city departments, transit agencies, or non-profit organizations known as Transportation Management Associations (TMAs). Later phases of this project will involve implementation planning and identifying specific implementation partners.
Example Actions:
Improve real-time transit information available through 511 or mobile apps
Expand income-based fares on public transit

Create perks or free transit for trips to airports, sporting events, other large events
Free toll credits for people who use transit, free transit passes for those who use toll lane
Provide money or extra vacation time for employees who do not drive to work
Limit number of parking spaces or car trips large employers can create in neighborhoods
Incentivize pay-as-you-drive insurance

Increase HOV lane person requirement and pursue state level legislation to remove EV exemption

Support bus priority on freeways (e.g. bus-on-shoulder and bus-only lanes)
Support Safe Routes to Transit program

Cap single occupancy trips for major employment centers
Improve transit transfer experience through scheduling and fare integration
Encourage employers to manage parking
Strengthen regional employer TDM requirements
Create regional and/or local TMAs
Eliminate free parking in downtown areas

Regional Coordination
Will these actions make a difference?
See some examples in action.
Case studies demonstrate what happens when actions are put into practice, providing context for applying the same or similar ideas to US-101.